Assuming you still want that extra splash of color in your guest bath, where do you find it? It is still out there, even though Northern discontinued making colored tissue in the early 1980s. Apparently cost was as much a factor as any concern for customers' allergic reactions. Scott still makes pastel tissue under its own brand and for several smaller companies. The top selling bath tissue is white, with pink and peach following a distant second and third.
However, with the advent of new hypo-allergenic dyes, colored TP is making a comeback. The Renova Company offers specialty bath tissue in black or fuchsia, but it will cost you. Six rolls go for around $13.50 plus shipping.
By now I'm sure you're wondering why such a long answer to such a short question. While I was in nursing school, a co-worker had recently given birth and was concerned about using the tissue at her sister's. When I asked an instructor about the safety of such products, I was promptly told that no one made colored toilet paper anymore-period. I decided not to contest her opinion since she held at least part of my grade in her hands; however, I did write her a poem. Did she like it? Don't know--I never had the bad judgment to send it to her, but here for your reading enjoyment:
We looked around and easily found
Umpteen hundred emporiums
With TP in hues galorium.
So, new mothers won't find it sparse,
But is it safe to wipe their arse?
Now, don't all of you want to redecorate your powder rooms?
Nurse Nan