First, sorry for the long delay between blogs. As many of you know, Trader and I have started our own Internet magazine The Connection, and it has taken up a great deal of time. So, what brings me back to "Nurse Nan?"
I had to re-certify in Basic Life Support this week, and had a fantastic instructor--Jesse Testerman from MedCall Ambulance Service. Mr. Testerman asked if we could name the most dangerous food for small children. Many quickly replied "hot dogs" or "wieners." This was certainly the right answer, but wieners account for only 70% or so of this kind of choking hazard.
Parents need also to be aware of mints--the Starlight kind that are roughly the same circumference of a wiener. Both wieners and mints can easily become lodged in the throat of a young child. If you don't know the Heimlich maneuver, please go online and take any of the many courses available to you. You don't even need to leave your own home to become a lifesaver...and the life you save may be your child's.
Kudos to all you parents out there,
Nurse Nan