Tuesday, September 18, 2012

West Nile Virus

The West Nile Virus was introduced in the U.S. approximately 13 years ago. It’s now in all 50 states, and a confirmed case was reported in Madison County on September 12th. How can you protect yourself? What can you expect if you should contract the disease?

Looking at the latter question first, remember this is not like the flu which can infect a large number of people. It can be transmitted in other ways than mosquito bites, but this is much more rare. The disease, as its name implies, is a virus over which antibiotics have no impact. There are no current anti-virals which may dramatically help in combating the course of West Nile.

While you don’t want to be infected, it’s good to remember that eight out of ten who are infected never experience any symptoms. In other words, you don’t know you have it. Of those who do become ill, physicians say only one in 150 (some use the figure 180) will experience anything but mild flu-like symptoms.

This means your chances of never being affected by West Nile are extremely good. Yet you don’t want to take that chance, do you? The disease can’t be spread from human to human, so eliminating mosquitoes and their bites are your first line of defense.

By avoiding mosquitoes, you can reduce your chances of contracting West Nile Virus to almost nil. How do you do that?

1. Avoid areas where you know mosquitoes may be present. Okay, you say that sounds easy, but you don’t want to miss any family fun. Encourage those who give get-togethers to select a new venue. If that isn’t an option…

2. Use insect repellent. Make sure it contains DEET. Spray on after you dress. Don’t cover sprayed areas of skin with clothing. Be sure to spray on thin material. Mosquitoes can bite through thinner fabrics.

3. Don’t leave any open containers in your yard. Remember to invert empty flower pots, etc. Don’t hang old tires to use for a children’s swing. Even a small container of water can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

4. Call your city to determine how often they spray for mosquitoes. In this area, TVA sprays some rural areas that are known breeding grounds. If you feel your city or county isn’t doing its part, contact your representatives and encourage them to allocate funds for spraying.

5. Mosquitoes seem to prefer females to males. They also prefer brunettes and anyone using hairspray. if you fall into those categories, take extra precautions.

6. If you’re entering a work area where aerosols aren’t allowed, you can purchase anti-insect wipes to keep your protection active.

If you should become ill within a few days of mosquito bite, be sure to visit your physician promptly. As stated earlier, there is no one current antidote for West Nile Virus, but medical care can lessen the symptoms.

Originally posted in Pen N Sword.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Caffeine Wise & Liquor Foolish

We've all heard the old expression "Penny wise and pound foolish." If any don't know what this axiom means, it roughly translates into U.S. English as being smart enough to watch every one cent coin, but not caring where our dollar bills go.

We can adapt this adage to our health. How many have been told to avoid caffeine? I and many, many more were born with a heart condition called Mitral Valve Prolapse. It's hardly life threatening, but medical experts do advise those who have any heart condition to avoid caffeine. That would mean drinking caffeine free colas and coffee as well as avoiding chocolate. Do I do this? With the exception of coffee which I can't stand, no. And you can't make me...

In the medical world, it's called non-compliance and physicians and nurses are some of the worst patients. Go figure.

Why am I writing about this today? Earlier I was at a local mini-mart behind a relatively young couple, say 30ish. Both the man and woman had their arms loaded down with six packs of vodka laced drinks, which is certainly legal in Florence and their constitutional right to do. The unusual aspect of the scene was that the woman was purchasing a two liter bottle of Pepsi...Diet Pepsi...but not the kind of Diet Pepsi I had in my hand. No, she was purchasing the caffeine free product. I don't know what the woman's medical condition was. She could have been purchasing it for a relative or even a child at home, but the odds are that she was buying it for herself.

Yes, a small amount of alcohol can be beneficial to the human body, but most pluses have even stronger minuses. Is this going to discourage anyone from consuming alcoholic potables? Probably not, but you've got to admit seeing anyone with such large quantities of alcohol and then making an attempt to control their caffeine intake is humorous to say the least.

 If you don't drink or smoke, don't start. It doesn't make you look cool, and even if your friends call you a dork, you can laugh at them at their funeral.

Nurse Nancy wishing you a long life...

Sunday, January 29, 2012

How's the New Year's Diet Coming?

Given up on that diet already? If you're not a fast food junky, this simple tip might help. Studies show we eat the least when dining with blue china.

That's right, just invest in a set of new dinnerware (and we know you've been wanting an excuse anyway), and you'll cut down on approximately 100 calories a day. That might not seem like much, but in a month's time, you'll notice a difference.

Happy dieting!