Saturday, May 20, 2023

Not All Physicians are MDs


Note: Thanks to a reader for informing us that an osteopathic school in Dothan began issuing degrees in 2017.

Here in Alabama, most physicians are Medical Doctors (MDs). Why? Currently, all programs in this state offering physician degrees provide only a Medical Doctorate; however, other states are homes to colleges offering a degree in Osteopathic Medicine as well as Allopathic Medicine.

A recent (we believe ill-conceived) bill before the Alabama Legislature is seeking to legalize some surgical procedures to be performed by Doctors of Optometry. An Ophthalmologist who is opposing this bill has repeatedly mentioned such surgeries should be performed by only Medical Doctors.

I've recently been visiting Florence Ophthalmology for intraocular lens implants; at that facility, one surgeon is an allopath, while a second is an osteopath. Both are physicians and surgeons, with an osteopath having somewhat more formal training than the allopath.

The bottom line is to consult with those who have used these physicians in your area to determine which you believe would be more attuned to your needs. Remember, don't ever hesitate to ask for a second opinion if your insurance or finances permit.

Nurse Nan