If you've read or seen the news in the past two days, you know that a flu pandemic may be at hand. While I doubt this is the case, we all need to take some simple precautions whenever confronted with what could be a serious threat to our health.
If you haven't taken any echinacea recently, immediately begin a regimen of 14 days. Do not take this herbal supplement for longer than two weeks, as it can overstimulate your autoimmune system.
While expensive, Tamiflu has proved to combat all strains of influenza and should be administered if you have been exposed. Above all, wash your hands often and when mingling with large groups, don't be afraid to shy away from handshaking or to wear a mask.
Your friends won't care if you look like Michael Jackson, but they will care if you wind up, what's the word, oh, yes, dead.
Good luck to everyone and remember Summer is just around the corner!
Nurse Nan