Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Worried about Mercury in the Flu Vaccine?

The question of thimerisol (mercury) in the influenzia vaccine has again popped up. Should any rational person be worried? In one word...no.
When one thinks of mercury, the element often found in fish comes to mind. This is chemically methylmercury. How often do you (or your Feline-American companion) eat a 3 oz. can of tuna? Whenever you consume this canned fish, you're orally consuming the same amount of mercury found in one dose of the flu vaccine. 
But wait...the mercury found in the flu shot is ethylmercury, not at all the same thing as methylmercury. The two types of mercury have been laboratory tested in apes with interesting results. For those worried about any chemical residue in the body, only one-third the amount of ethylmercury (usually administered by injection) is retained in comparison to methylmercury (usually taken orally).
Then we have critics who point out that the mercury in the flu vaccine is twice that allowed in drinking water. Yes, that statement is true. Think .5 ml total liquid in the once a year flu shot and the 237 ml in one eight ounce glass of water, presumably drunk daily. 
Do your own research before you accept the mindless and useless figures spouted by the anti-vaxxers.

Nurse Nan

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