Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sore Throat?

At least here in the Northern Hemisphere, it's almost winter, and that means a sore, scratchy throat for most of us. We forge on, not bothering to see our physicians, but not exactly enjoying the feeling that comes with swallowing either.

If you fall into that category, there's help for you. You can make two gargles right in your own kitchen. They're inexpensive and reliable.

The simplest is one teaspoon lemon juice mixed in one cup water. The lemon is a natural astringent, meaning swelling is almost immediately reduced in your throat. The acidic environment also kills many viruses and bacteria on contact. An older favorite involves changing the lemon to salt; for this one add one tablespoon Listerine for germ-killing power.

These are about as inexpensive as it gets, and we recommend immediately discarding them after one use. Remember, you're trying to kill germs here, not breed more.

If you've done natural battle with your sore throat, but feel like it's won, a doctor's visit may not be the only alternative left. Give a Cepacol or Chloraseptic lozenge a try. These cost a little more than our homemade gargles, yet they're both still cheaper than a doctor's visit.

Good luck with your winter ills and keep checking back with us. We're here to help you and welcome your health questions and comments.

Nurse Nan

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