Friday, May 29, 2009

Should I Take Eucalyptus Oil for Flu?

We've discussed before the benefits of eucalyptus oil as a decongestant. One reader has asked if this native Australian plant has any influenza fighting properties. The answer is yes; however, whether it would specifically combat swine flu is another question.

If you should choose to take eucalyptus in any of its forms, remember that large doses are poisonous--eucalyptus should never be given to children in any form except as a mild inhalant. Also, do not take eucalyptus if you are also taking echinacea. The combined effects of the two drugs can over stimulate the immune system.

Judging by the number of questions I'm receiving concerning the Swine Flu, many readers are concerned for their personal health. By all means, try eucalyptus in the appropriate dosage. Any protection from this virus is a plus.

Remember, hand washing is your best defense, and avoiding crowds your second. This too shall pass.

Nurse Nan

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